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O Magento é uma solução robusta e completa para lojas virtuais. Trata-se de um CMS exclusivo para e-commerce e que pode ser utilizado gratuitamente em sua hospedagem. Assim como a maioria dos CMSs presentes no mercado, trabalha com PHP e MySQL. É desenvolvido e mantido pelo Magento Inc, atualmente uma divisão do Ebay. Possui três versões: Enterprise Edition (versão paga com suporte especializado), Magento Go (aplicação em Cloud) e Community Edition (versão gratuita e a mais utilizada).
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] NOTE: Current Release Notes are maintained at: [
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=== Fixes ===
Fixed: Security vulnerability in Zend_XmlRpc -
Fixed: PayPal Standard does not display on frontend during checkout with some merchant countries
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=== Major Highlights ===
Improved the backend configuration UI for PayPal payment solutions
=== Improvements ===
Added the functionality for creating nested field sets in the System configuration
Implemented the support for the extended and shared configuration fields
Added the ability to define dependencies between fields from different field sets
=== Changes ===
Moved PayPal configuration to the Payment Methods menu
Set the default value of the cUrl VERIFYPEER option to TRUE for PayPal and added the ability to change this value
Changed the design and position of the configuration field tooltips
=== Fixes ===
Fixed: Inability of SOAP v2 API use in non WS-I compatible mode in the applications written in languages with strong typing
Fixed: In some cases comments history tab on order does not contain information about customer notifications
Fixed: Several potential security vulnerabilities
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=== Major Highlights ===
Optimized Layered Navigation for pricing
Added CAPTCHA support for admin and customer users
Added different base price per customer group
Added auto generation of coupon codes
Improved the basic Backup and Rollback functionality
Added EU VAT ID validation service integration
Implemented DHL for Europe
Mobile theme was redesigned
Implemented the frontend Cookie Restriction functionality (EU cookie law compliance)
Added the Cash On Delivery and Bank Transfer payment methods
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